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hier einmal genau aufgeführt, wie es zu den Gerüchten gekommen ist, das RinyL plötzlich abgesägt und ohne Hoffnung sei, überhaupt noch gesendet zu werden:
Rex May STILL Be Your Lawyer: A pilot primer
There's been some confusion and a lot of venom being spewed at NBC over David's new pilot and the future of same. First, let me just say that I am not an employee of NBC, nor do I have any connection with the television industry other than being a simple fan that has followed many a pilot and series over the years and has learned a bit about the process. I would like to share some of that information with you now, so that everyone can relax and learn to pay no mind to the shameful sensationalism that plagues our media.
First of all, let me start by stating emphatically that as of this time (and as far as we officially know) NBC has NOT passed on, canceled or otherwise dropped Rex. Regardless of what you hear, this has not happened. How that rumour got started has something to do with the pilot process itself and how pilot season works. So here we go...
Starting anytime after August of a given year, networks start looking at projects in development for possible pilot orders for future seasons. This means they like the show's concept and they want to see how it looks as an actual completed episode. Pilots are then cast and shot. The network sees the finished product and can decide to not pursue it any further, or that it needs work, such as rewrites or recasting, or they can decide to place it on the list of possible shows to commission as a series usually for the following fall. The period known as "pilot season" typically refers to the pilots that are being considered in any given spring for the following fall schedule. Quite often pilots are ordered well into late winter and many pilots are not ready to even be screened until the spring. Which brings us to Rex.
Rex was one of those shows that was in development for a while waiting for a star. When David auditioned in July while he was in LA for Comic-Con, he nailed the part and was cast. The rest of the cast was assembled quickly once that happened and the pilot was shot in December. It was viewed by the NBC execs in January and also tested with some focus audiences. At the same time, the whole Jay/Conan thing was going on and it became clear that NBC was going to have five hours in its weekly schedule to soon fill. I'm not sure who first put this out there, but one media source (possibly EW) suggested Rex could be ready as early as spring. Why? Because a pilot had already been completed when no others had. Of course that would mean having a perfect pilot that needed no changes and then going straight into production, having scripts ready and delivering episodes to begin airing by March, which sounded ridiculously tight and unlikely to me. When it was announced that Jay was actually going to vacate his slot in early February, this was seriously no longer an option, if it ever was. Again, there is no official word that Rex was ever seriously considered for spring 2010. At the Television Critic's Association winter press tour in January, a rep of NBC said Rex was one of the shows being considered for Fall. NBC announced it's replacement schedule for Leno's slot at that event and, as expected, Rex was not on it.
Which places Rex squarely in place for a Fall order. Only now comes this incredibly misleading report (and in my opinion, a flat out irresponsible headline) of EW's Michael Ausiello suggesting that because he has heard that Rex's sets have been put into storage, that the show is now "DOA", and suggesting further that this bodes as a bad omen for its Fall chances, even going so far as to imply that NBC has already passed on the show. Nothing could be further from the truth. To make matters worse, this single story is now being picked up and reprinted all across the internet, as viral as the plague, with each permutation mutating into something more dire.
Everybody take a deep cleansing breath. The truth is that Rex is ahead of the game. Getting back to pilot season, most pilots are typically ordered in the fall and winter, and shot in the early spring. The network then takes all of its pilots, lines them up and considers them when constructing its fall schedule. This happens anytime from April through May. The schedule is fixed and announced at an extravaganza for advertisers known as the Upfronts in May. But it is still only January, and there are many pilots still to be shot. As of now, Rex is done (with the exception of any tweaks that the network may have ordered to the pilot, we don't know), but a decision can't be made now for fall because NBC has nothing to compare Rex to. The network can't order a show to series for fall this early when it has yet to see what else it potentially has. This means for now, Rex waits. This also means the show's sets have to step aside so the same stages can be used to shoot other pilots, hence the "fold and hold" status. This means nothing with regards to the possible future of the show mind you, even though Ausiello and every media dweeb that has picked up on this story would have you believe otherwise.
So hate on NBC all you like, I'm not here to defend them on general grounds. But I do want to point out that in this case, and at least as of now, Rex is still very much a part of the pilot process and NBC has done nothing wrong. They've ordered a pilot, they've tested it and it now awaits an order while other pilots are shot. Of course there are no guarantees, and NBC may still choose to pass for any number of reasons, but at least as of now it has not. It can also choose to make Rex a mid-season replacement for Spring 2011 should one of it's fall picks tank early. But whatever happens, I am highly confident we will have a decision by May, and possibly sooner. Until then, please try not to panic, continue to support David in all that he chooses to do and don't let the media fools jerk you around.
Wir müssen also mindestens noch bis Mai warten, bevor wir überhaupt eine Entscheidung erwarten können.
Es ist alles noch bei den ursprünglichen Plänen, so wie sie gedacht waren, als der Pilotfilm gedreht wurde. Bisher läuft alles völlig normal ... also kein Grund zur Panik!