Diesmal gibt's was von mir in Englisch Ich habe heute nachmitag ganz spontan was für die Barrowman-Gruppe gepinnt, und da nach der Con am Wochenende sooo viel nachzuholen ist, mail- und forentechnisch, und ihr die Folge sowieso alle in Englisch gesehen habt, schenke ich mir eine Übersetzung/Neufassung. Jeez, that was some tour de force... FINALLY the series had a pace I really, really liked.
I am SO happy that
a1) Jack wasn't killed
a2) Jack is immortal again
b) we had a terrific scene involving Bill Pullman and John, both showing their craft/talent
c) there was some explaining! Actually, a lot!! Didn't all make sense, but that's okay... it's Torchwood, not National Geographic.
d) Fancy that: Jack Harkness can sing as well as John Barrowman!
(I had always wished for a scene like this... though at more happy circumstances)
e) Cooper vs. Kitzinger
(I'm so happy Lauren Ambrose was in this series... she is one great actress)
f) like in said word... Rex is immortal, too! That was a surprise, and my eyes must have popped out at least as much as Gwen's. Do I like this? Nope... it's not because I dislike the idea as such, it's Rex. I never managed to warm up to him, he has nothing that really appeals to me, or is unique, or interesting. I don't mean the actor, it's the character I have in mind here.
I was thrilled when I heard TW's fourth season would have 10 eps. After seeing them, I wish there had been less.... sorry, RTD & Co. We got spoiled rotten with "Children of Earth", as in "grand TV drama". Miracle Day unfortunately did not meet the hopes and expectations I had.
Still, and OF COURSE do I hope there will be a fifth season! Maybe with less episodes, but better pace, more momentum. Or maybe a small story arc, and in between "alien of the week"stuff... and, above all, I would like to see a lot of Jack Harkness!!! (in EVERY sense of the word